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六下Unit1 Visiting Canada词汇表注: 重点词汇需要抄写和听写,其中划线词汇还需要造句Page 2重点词汇visit vt. 拜访,参观Canada n. 加拿大at the airport 在机场get ready for 为...做准备leave for 离开去...pretend v.假装clear adj.meet 迎接、遇见、会面 过去式meta trip to … 一次...的旅行复现词汇January n. 一月weather n. 天气Paris n. 巴黎Sydney n. 悉尼windy adj. 刮风的snowy adj. 下雪的rainy adj. 下雨的clear adj. 晴朗的take sth with sb 随身携带某物 take 过去式 tookPage 3重点词汇live vt. 居住、生活quite adv. 很、相当miss vt. 思念going away party n. 欢送会Toronto n. 多伦多复现词汇excited adj. 兴奋的email n./v. 邮件/发邮件sweater n. 毛衣scarf n. 围巾 复数 scarvesT-shirts n. T恤shorts n. 短裤favourite adj. 最喜欢的Page 4复现词汇airport n. 飞机场nurse n. 护士hobby n. 爱好 复数hobbiesglad adj. 高兴的helpful adj. 有帮助的,有用的Page 5重点词汇artist n. 艺术家writer n. 作家friendly adj.友好的cousin n. 表兄弟姐妹,堂兄弟姐妹复现词汇funny adj.有趣的handsome adj. 帅气的famous adj. 著名的pretty adj. 漂亮的Page 6重点词汇welcome party n. 欢迎会Star Primary School 星星小学pupil n.小学生be born 出生复现词汇How long 多久be kind to sb 对某人友好Page 7重点词汇arrive at 到达(小地点)arrive in 到达(大地点)wardrobe n. 衣柜hold a party 举行聚会复现词汇cute adj. 可爱的show v. 展示on the second floor 在第二层next to 在...旁边own adj. 自己的invite ... to ... 邀请某人去某地Page 8重点词汇write - wrote-written v. 写win-won-won v. 赢partner n. 伙伴,搭档grow up 长大复现词汇pet cat 宠物猫play the violin 拉小提琴be proud of ... 对...感到自豪Page 10重点词汇tasty adj. 美味的on one’s way to 在...的路上on my way home 在回家的路上on one’s way 在路上get dressed 穿好衣服knock on the door 敲门blow out the candle 吹灭蜡烛复现词汇village n. 村庄stay at home 待在家see---saw 看surprised adj. 感到惊讶的tired adj. 疲劳的feel----felt 感觉nervous 紧张的Page 11重点词汇nuts n. 坚果furry adj. 毛茸茸的scared adj.害怕的smart adj.聪明的brave adj.勇敢 n.bravery 勇敢jump out of bed 跳下床beside prep. 在...旁边the top of the tree 树顶had better do sth 最好做某事let go of... 松手放开...复现词汇tell---told v.告诉fall --- fell v.掉落can --- could v.能、会run --- ran v.跑lock --- locked v.锁safe adj. 安全的 (形容词) safety n. 安全(名词)六下Unit2 All Around Me词汇表注: 重点词汇需要抄写和听写,其中划线词汇还需要造句Page 12重点词汇art gallery n. 美术馆restaurant n. 饭店public library n. 公共图书馆crossroads n. 十字路口grocery n.零售店;杂货店supermarket n. 超市sports centre n. 体育中心square n.广场;正方形go straight v. 直走go along v. 沿着….走next to 挨着…复现词汇post office n. 邮局postcard n. 明信片coffee shop n. 咖啡店bookshop n.书店painting n.画作famous adj.著名的between 在…中间subway n. 地铁cinema n.电影院Page 13重点词汇downtown adj.商业区的across from 在…对面stadium 体育场get lost 迷路;走丢police station 警察局neighbourhood 邻居,地区复现词汇hotel n.宾馆*Toronto 多伦多*Lake Ontario 安大略湖Page 14-15重点词汇show...around 带领...参观ice-skating 滑冰复现词汇building n. 建筑物;房子computer room 计算机房art room 艺术室music room 音乐室science room 科学室teachers’ office 教师办公室library n.图书馆Page 16-17重点词汇hardworking adj.勤奋的wear glasses 戴眼镜appearance n. 外貌personality n.性格active adj.积极的复现词汇handsome adj.帅气的pretty adj.漂亮的slim adj.苗条的play sports 做运动play basketball 打篮球go roller-skating 滑旱冰go boating 划船collect stamps 集邮do jigsaw puzzles 拼图pick fruit 采摘水果六下Unit3 Daily Life词汇表注:1. 重点词汇需要抄写和听写,其中划线词汇还需要造句;2.复现词汇是否需要抄写或听写,任课老师会根据实际情况安排。Page 22复现词汇wake up v. 睡醒get up v.起床get dressed v. 穿衣服arrive\come\go home v. 回家prepare breakfast v.做早餐take\have a shower v. 洗澡have lessons V.上课do homework v. 写作业water the plants v.给植物浇水make the bed v. 铺床tidy the table\desk v. 擦桌子feed the fish\pets v.喂宠物sweep the floor v.扫地walk the dog v.遛狗play+badminton\table tennisv.踢、打(球)play chess v. 下棋play the violin\piano v. 演奏go fishing\hiking\camping\boatingv.钓鱼、远足、露营、划船do jigsaw puzzles\exercises\sportsv.拼图、做运动visit grandparents\museums v. 拜访爷爷奶奶、参观博物馆listen to music\opera 听音乐、歌剧take photos v. 拍照Page 23重点词汇volunteer n. 志愿者community n. 社区recipe n. 食谱cucumber n. 黄瓜beatbox n. 口技;用嘴发出有节奏的声音复现词汇always adv.一直;总是often adv. 常常;时常sometimes adv.有时never adv. 从未;绝不on weekends 在周末on Saturday mornings 在周六上午on Saturday afternoons 在周六下午on Sunday nights 在周六晚上go to maths club 去数学俱乐部go shopping 去购物go to the cinema 去电影院do the dishes 洗碗play sports 做运动play ping-pong 打乒乓球六下Unit4 Free Time词汇表注:1. 重点词汇需要抄写和听写,其中划线词汇还需要造句;2.复现词汇是否需要抄写或听写,任课老师会根据实际情况安排。Page 32-33重点词汇collect v. 收集hobby n. 爱好be good at 擅长…hockey n.冰球skate v.溜冰housework n. 家务劳动go camping 去野营storybook 故事书复现词汇go for a picnic 去野餐watch film 看电影beach n. 沙滩play chess 下棋club n. 俱乐部volunteer n. 志愿者Page 34-35重点词汇together 一起grocery n. 杂货店square n.广场stadium n.体育馆art gallery n. 画廊,画展art show n. 艺术展复现词汇do gardening v.园艺do shopping v.购物do craft works v. 做手工play football v. 踢足球play badminton v. 打羽毛球play golf v.打高尔夫go running v.跑步go fishing v钓鱼go jogging v. 慢跑go to the theatre v.去电影院Page 36-37重点词汇:beaver n. 海(河)狸raccoon n. 浣熊moose n.北美麋;驼鹿special adj. 特殊的;特别的gallery n. 画廊复现词汇:wonderful adj. 精彩的;绝妙的stamp n. 邮票rubbish n. 垃圾water v. 给...浇水Page 38-39重点词汇:according to 根据...hockey n. 曲棍球quiz n.小测验复现词汇:nature n. 自然界;大自然dish n. 盘;碟;一道菜skiing n. 滑雪model n. 模型topic n.话题;题目partner n. 搭档;同伴六下Unit 5 Nature and Culture 单词表Page 42outdoor adj. 户外的roller-skating 滑旱冰Toronto n. 多伦多Halloween n. 万圣节umbrella n. 雨伞Page 43countryside n.乡下,农村;乡民,乡村居民Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节spicy adj.辛辣的;香的Page 44Children’s Day n. 儿童节get...from... v. 从某人得到某物Halloween n. 万圣节Christmas n. 圣诞节roast turkey 烤火鸡celebrate v. 庆祝delicious adj.美味的Page 45Thanksgiving n. 感恩节give thanks to... 感谢某人Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节get together 聚集,聚会round adj. 圆的full moon 满月go back home 回家Page 46mammal n. 哺乳动物tail n. 尾巴penguin n. 企鹅ostrich n. 鸵鸟insect n. 昆虫butterfly n. 蝴蝶whale n. 鲸reptile n. 爬行动物crocodile n. 鳄鱼teeth n. 牙齿(tooth 的复数形式)Page 47spend v. 度过;花费safely adv. 安全地collect v. 收集squirrel n. 松鼠fly back       v. 飞回swan n. 天鹅wild geese n. 野鸭(geese 是goose 的复数)wake up 醒来look for 寻找Page 48-49festival n.节日keep... safe 保护...的安全be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事Page 50-51nut n. 坚果worried adj.担忧的follow-followed v.跟随suddenly adv. 突然、忽然P42-43What is your/Ted’s favourite season 你/Ted最喜欢的季节是什么?My Favourite season is spring. 我最喜欢的季节是春季。Why do you like this season 你为什么喜欢这个季节?This season is a good time to fly a kite.这个季节是放风筝的好季节。What is the weather like in summer in Toronto 夏季的多伦多是什么天气?It’s hot and rainy.它是炎热多雨的。What do people do for fun in spring in Toronto 多伦多的春季人们有什么娱乐活动?People go swimming and play baseball.人们去游泳和打棒球。P42-43When is Christmas It’s on December 25th.圣诞节在什么时候?在12月25日。What is your favourite holiday My favourite holiday is Chinese New Year.你最喜欢哪个节日?我最喜欢春节。How do children celebrate Children’s day Children often have a party at school or play in the park.孩子们怎么庆祝儿童节?他们经常在学校举办聚会或去公园玩。What do children say on that day They say “Happy Children’s Day” to friends and classmates.儿童节那天孩子们说什么?他们对朋友同学说“儿童节快乐”。Page 46-47What animals do you like best 你最喜欢什么动物?I like elephants best. 我你最喜欢大象What kind of animals are elephants 大象是哪种动物?They are mammals. 大象是哺乳动物What are they like 大象是什么样子的?They are big and strong. They have a long nose.大象很大很壮,长着长长的鼻子。Page48-49It is a mammal. It has a long nose and two big ears.它是一种哺乳动物,有长长的鼻子和两个大耳朵。It can help keep your home safe.它能保护你的家。It is good at climbing trees.它擅长爬树。Page50-51She looked for insects near an old tree.她在一棵老树附近找虫子吃。It hit Henny Penny on the head.(一颗榛子)砸到Henny Penny的头上。六下Unit 6 Summer Vacation单词表Page 52vacation n. 假期the White House 白宫kangaroo n. 袋鼠koala n. 树袋熊;考拉Opera House n. 悉尼歌剧院Page 53dancing club 舞蹈俱乐部Big Ben 大本钟the British Museum 大英博物馆the London Eye 伦敦眼Tower Bridge 塔桥Washington D.C. 华盛顿特区Page 54saleswoman n. 女售货员lovely adj. 可爱的many kinds of... 很多种类的...silk n. 丝绸show sb. sth. 展示某人某物scarf-scarves n. 围巾的单复数size n. 尺码,大小Page 55take sb. to ... 带某人去某地shopping centre/shopping mall n.购物中心buy-bought v. 买-过去式buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物dictionary n. 词典,字典teach sb. to do... 教某人做某事Page 56temple n. 寺庙Terracotta Army n. 兵马俑Tibet n. 西藏be famous for以….闻名Page 57Forbidden City n.紫禁城safely adv. 安全地square n.正方形;广场amazing adj. 令人吃惊的Potala Palace    n. 布达拉宫Page 58-59postcard n.明信片the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像art gallery n.美术馆theatre n.剧院ticket n.票president n.总统seaside n. 海边wave n.海浪Page 60-61throat n. 喉咙、嗓子directions n.方向get lost v.迷路travel-travelled v. 旅行zebra n. 斑马buzzard n.秃鹰SentencesP52-53What is Tina going on her summer vacation Tina暑假要去哪里?How is Tina going there Tina会怎样去哪里?What is Tina going to do there Tina要在那里做什么?We are going to visit the White House.我们要去参观白宫。Tina and Jenny are going to London with the school dacing club.Tina和Jenny要随学校舞蹈俱乐部去伦敦。Sherry is going to the USA with her family.Sherry要和她的家人去美国。They are going there by car on August 2nd.他们将在8月2日乘汽车抵达那里。She is going to take photos there.她将在那里拍照。P54-55We have big ones and small ones. Which do you like?I like this small one. It's lovely.这里有大一点和小一点的,你喜欢哪一个?我喜欢小的,很可爱。How much is it?It's 150 yuan.这个多少钱? 150元。Would you please show me some silk scarves I want to buy one for my mum.Of course.你可以给我看看丝绸围巾吗?我想买给我妈妈。当然可以。Page 56-57Where is Tibet It’s in the southwest of China.西藏在哪儿?在中国的西南部。What is Sichuan famous for It is famous for Jiuzhaigou and Pandas.四川以什么而闻名?四川以九寨沟和熊猫而闻名。How far is Tibet from Beijing It’s about four hours by plane.从北京到西藏有多远?乘飞机大约4小时。Page58-59Then I took the subway to the Museum of Modern Art.然后我乘地铁去了现代艺术博物馆。It is one of the most famous art galleries in the world.它是世界上最有名的美术馆之一。I went for a walk by the seaside this morning.今天早上我去了海边散步。Page60-61You need to travel forty more kilometresnorth.你应该再往北走40公里。They travelled west.他们往西走。They went on walking north.他们继续往北走。They reached the magic tree.他们走到了神树。The snail was too slow to go.蜗牛根本走不动。The snail could run as fast as a horse.蜗牛可以跑得和马一样快。








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